Çin Fabriki Birbaşa Satış Qiyməti Təxmini Keyfiyyətli Etibarlı Polad təbəqə xovu
Polad təbəqə xovu, mülki mühəndislikdə geniş istifadə olunur. Steel sheet pile has high strength and can withstand large lateral earth pressure and water pressure, which is suitable for deep foundation pit and river bank protection. Secondly, the construction efficiency is high, the installation speed is fast, which can shorten the construction period and reduce the cost. In addition, the steel sheet pile has excellent waterproof performance, which can effectively prevent water penetration and protect the surrounding environment. Finally, the steel sheet pile can be reused, strong adaptability, good corrosion resistance, suitable for use in harsh environments.
Bucaq polad astm karbon bərabər bucaqlı bucaq polad şəkli mülayim polad bucaq çubuğu
Bucaq poladÜmumiyyətlə bucaq dəmir kimi tanınan, iki tərəfi bir-birinə dik olan uzun bir poladdır. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. Spesifikasiya yan genişlik mm-də ifadə olunur × Yan genişlik × yan qalınlığı. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. It can also be expressed by model. The model is the centimeter of the side width, such as ∟ 3 × 3. The model does not represent the dimensions of different edge thicknesses in the same model, so the edge width and edge thickness dimensions of angle steel shall be filled in completely in the contract and other documents to avoid using the model alone. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.
The advantages of steel sheet pile in industry are mainly reflected in its high strength and durability, which can effectively resist soil pressure and water pressure, and is suitable for temporary and permanent supporting structures. İşığı və quraşdırmaq və quraşdırmaq asandır, tikinti sürəti sürətlidir və əməyin dəyəri azalır. In addition, the recyclability and environmental characteristics of steel sheet piles make them popular in sustainable development projects, suitable for a variety of applications such as ports, riverbanks, infrastructure and so on.
İsti yüksək keyfiyyətli yüksək keyfiyyətli dəmiryol qiymətləri güzəştləri
Polad relslər dəmiryol daşınmasında əvəzolunmaz bir əsas komponentdir. Yüksək gücə malikdirlər və taxırlar və qatarların ağır təzyiqinə və tez-tez təsirlərinə tab gətirə bilərlər. It is usually made of carbon steel that is heat treated to increase hardness and toughness. The design of the rails ensures good stability and safety, and can effectively reduce vibration and noise when trains are running. In addition, the weather resistance of the rails enables them to maintain good performance in various climatic conditions and are suitable for long-term use. Overall, rails are an important foundation for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of railways.